Home > 2016 Schedule > Tokyo Drift > Ticket

Ticket Information

Beginning to sell more precedent than the midday of Sunday, July 31!
The public is booking beginning to sell from August 1!

Reserved seat tickets ( L-CODE:36055 )

Card kind list Advance tickets Same day tickets
A stand (SAT)
(Including admission / All seats reserved)
Remaining slightly
5,000 yen
5,500 yen
B stand (SAT)
(Including admission / All seats reserved)
6,000 yen 6,500 yen
C stand (SAT)
(Including admission / All seats reserved)
7,000 yen 7,500 yen
D stand (SAT)
(Including admission / All seats reserved)
6,000 yen 6,500 yen
E stand (SAT)
(Including admission / All seats reserved)
5,000 yen 5,500 yen
A stand (SUN)
(Including admission / All seats reserved)

5,000 yen
5,500 yen
B stand (SUN)
(Including admission / All seats reserved)
6,000 yen 6,500 yen
C stand (SUN)
(Including admission / All seats reserved)
Remaining slightly
7,000 yen
7,500 yen
stand (SUN)
(Including admission / All seats reserved)
6,000 yen 6,500 yen
E stand (SUN)
(Including admission / All seats reserved)
5,000 yen 5,500 yen

Tickets to be required for Saturday and Sunday respectively.

Free admission for children below elementary school age, which is required to be accompanied by family members and watch sitting on lap.

Please purchase reserved tickets if you require to have seats for children below elementary school age.

Stand seats are all reserved seats.

Same day tickets will end as the advance tickets are sold out.

Please purchase tickets at same time if you wish to sit close each other.

There is no any parking space inside of the venue.

Please the toll parking lot near the venue.

In case of rains for both days, it will process as plans.

Please refrain from putting up in wet weather.

Wheelchair seats tickets ( A stand )

Card kind list Advance tickets Same day tickets
A stand (SAT)
(Including admission / All seats reserved)
5,000 yen 5,500 yen
A stand (SUN)
(Including admission / All seats reserved)
5,000 yen 5,500 yen

We provide wheel chair users with dedicated space. Attendants up to 3 people can watch in the back of the dedicate seats with 5,000yen for advance tickets and 5,500yen for same day ticket. As it is limited 18 people for each day, please request to D1GP office at your earliest convenience.
Information & purchase the tickets:D1 GRAND PRIX OFFICE

Tickets to be required for Saturday and Sunday respectively.

Stand seats are all reserved seats.

Same day tickets will end as the advance tickets are sold out.

Please purchase tickets at same time if you wish to sit close each other.

There is no any parking space inside of the venue.

Please the toll parking lot near the venue.

In case of rains for both days, it will process as plans.

Please refrain from putting up in wet weather.

Admission tickets

Card kind list Advance tickets Same day tickets
(sat) Advance tickets - 1,000 yen
(un) Advance tickets - 1,000 yen





Please refrain from putting up in wet weather.

Ticket Purchase



Ticket issue:0570-084-003
Advance ticket is available at Loppi at LAWSON or MINISTOP until 23:59 pm, the day prior to the event.

Group purchase for reserved ticket

︎︎L-Tike Purchase

We offer a special value for those who wish to purchase reserved tickets by 10 people or more. If you tell “ I want to watch TOKYO DRIFT with 10 or more people” and your desire date as well as number of people when you call, your ticket charge will be free. Ticket issue is processed normally like you can receive your ticket at Loppi at LAWSON or MINISTOP. You can not miss such a great opportunity.
Contact:0570-000-732 (10:00~20:00)

We offer the initial ticket purchase for the mobile website member !

D1 Mobile Site

Beginning to sell more precedent than the midday of Sunday, July 31.

【 NOTICE 】Please note that observing area is subject to change without notice. Motor sport race can be dangerous and involve injury. Therefore, we appreciate your admission with prior understanding that we will not take any responsibility or liability for any audience accident, injury or death including but not limited to a land owner, driver and race car in regards with the organization and management. In case even one car takes running at the course any day of Friday, Saturday or Sunday, it will be understood the event is executed. As well as this, please understand even if the event becomes impossible to continue due to unexpected incident such as bad weather or acts of God after the event is taken place, tickets are not refundable. Also, please do not steak out any sport inside of the venue. We highly appreciate your understanding and cooperation.
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